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CmpE 208 | Network Architecture and Protocols |
Fall 2011 |
Richard Sinn
Office Hours: After class, by appointment or email only
Richard is currently a Senior Security Architect/Principal Architect at eBay. He looks over various security architecture projects for all of eBay. Before eBay, he was the Security Architect at various business units (Real Time Communication group, Yahoo Community, Yahoo Communications) at Yahoo from 2005 to 2011. Prior to Yahoo, he held various senior positions at IBM, Oracle and different Silicon Valley startup companies. Richard is an inventor and has filed over sixteen invention disclosures (patents). He is also a frequent writer for various magazines and journals, and a frequent speaker at regional and national technology conferences. As a scholar and supporter for academia, he has been teaching in the Computer Engineering and Computer Science departments at San Jose State University since 1998. He also served as Adjunct Professor at the University of Minnesota.
Check back every now and then for updates.
Students who do not provide documentation of having satisfied the class prerequisite and co-requisite requirements (if any) by the second class meeting will be dropped from the class.
New Prereq check procedure
We will adopt a new procedure (akin to that used by some of the other engineering departments):
At the beginning of the term, have all the students in the class provide a copy of their transcripts, with the prerequisite class grade highlighted. The instructor will then check off against the roster, and drop any and all students who do not provide such proof of having completed the prerequisite with a satisfactory grade.
For classes with co-requisite requirements (such as CMPE 110), the student will provide the transcript (proving that the class has already been passed) or a printout from MySJSU (proving that the student is currently enrolled).
Add the following to the class greensheet: ”Students who do not provide documentation of having satisfied the class prerequisite and co-requisite requirements (if any) by the second class meeting will be dropped from the class.
Bring a computer to class. You will need that for lecture assignment.
Add permission code
Please check back.
Honesty Pledge can be downloaded here.
Class time:
Every Monday at 6:30pm
Class room:
ENG 343
In-depth study of the principles and architecture of Internet protocols in current practice. Analysis of protocols of network, transport, and application layers. Topics will also cover emerging network architecture and protocols. Network analysis project.. Prerequisite: CMPE 206 or instructor consent. Misc/Lab: Lecture 2 hours/lab 3 hours.
Apart from big term project(s) and presentation, there are homework assignments, a mid-term exam and a final exam. Some exams might be take-home. The weightings for grading are: Term Project(s) 40%, Homework 20%, Midterm 10%, Final Exam 10%, and Team Presentation / Lecture assignments 20%.
No Late Assignment Submission. Put everything in an envelop when submit any material.
Policy Info
Academic Dishonesty
This is just a reminder that ALL cases of academic dishonesty (plagiarism, cheating, etc) should be reported to the chair.
In order be fair to the students we have to maintain a uniform process for handling such cases - there really is no faculty discretion once a case of plagiarism or cheating has been discovered - ALL cases will be reported.
The most relevant Senate policy w.r.t this is S07-2. The policy defines academic dishonesty as follows (please note the very low tolerance definition of plagiarism):
San José State University defines cheating as the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive, or fraudulent means. Cheating includes:
1.1.1. Copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or other evaluation instrument including homework assignments, worksheets, lab reports, essays, summaries, quizzes, etc.;
1.1.2. Submitting work previously graded in another course without prior approval by the course instructor or by departmental policy;
1.1.3. Submitting work simultaneously presented in two courses without prior approval by both course instructors or by the department policies of both departments;
1.1.4. Using or consulting sources, tools or materials prohibited by the instructor prior to, or during an examination;
1.1.5. Altering or interfering with the grading process;
1.1.6. Sitting for an examination by a surrogate, or as a surrogate;
1.1.7. Any other act committed by a student in the course of their academic work that defrauds or misrepresents, including aiding others in any of the actions defined above.
San José State University defines plagiarism as the act of representing the work of another as one's own without giving appropriate credit, regardless of how that work was obtained, and submitting it to fulfill academic requirements.
Plagiarism includes:
1.2.1 Knowingly or unknowingly incorporating the ideas, words, sentences, paragraphs, or parts of, or the specific substance of another's work, without giving appropriate credit, and representing the product as one's own work;
1.2.2 Representing another’s artistic/scholarly works such as musical compositions, computer programs, photographs, paintings, drawing, sculptures, or similar works as one's own.
Lecture Notes
Security Part:
Network Part:
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols (Hardcover).
There will be reading assignments in almost every class and reading materials will be tested upon.
Performance Part:
Lecture Notes
Non-Textbook: Reading material will be online on this web site before every lecture. Reading this semester:
Pick one of the references for term paper. Please spend the time to read and actually reseach (program) into the topics. The class expects a high quality research paper, not some collection of combined internet web pages ...
Aug 29, 2011 - Mon Introduction
Protocol Intro
Sept 5, 2011 - Mon
Sept 6, 2011 - Last Day to Drop Courses Without an Entry on Student's Permanent Record (D)
Sept 12, 2011 - Mon Protocol / Introduction to Protocol Performance
Sept 13, 2011 - Last Day to Add Courses & Register Late (A)
Sept 19, 2011 - Mon
Network / Protocol Design Sept 26, 2011 - Mon
Oct 3, 2011 - Mon
Oct 10, 2011 - Mon
Oct 17, 2011 - Mon
Oct 24, 2011 - Mon Midterm Review
Project Q&A Security Protocol
Oct 31, 2011 - Mon
Nov 7, 2011 - Mon Security Protocol Part II
Nov 14, 2011 - Mon Wireless
Speical Topics Nov 21, 2011 - Mon
Nov 23 - 25, 2011 - Thanksgiving Nov 28, 2011 - Mon
Dec 5, 2011 - Mon
Dec 12- Mon - Final Exam FinalCmpe 208 Fiinal
Dec 12, 2011 (Monday)
Time: 6:30pm
Room: ENG 343
Time limit: 1 hour 15 min
Comprehensive, cover all topics. Check grade at my.sjsu around the end of year. Grade will be only given over there (no email). Open book and notes. No computer and Internet connection. Overflow: Current Web Protocol Technologies
Cross Domain Chat Protocol Design Project
The goal of the project is to give you explosure on real life development environment and network programming and design experience on the web. There are two parts into the term project. Part 1 is an individual part performed by one student and part 2 is a group part performed by four group members. The name of the project is called Cross Domain Chat Protocol Design.
Part 1 - User Portal (individual part)
Create a user portal in the form of a web site. This user portal allows a self-service creation of a USER. Each user can create a ROOM and starts a chat session with other USER from the same user portal (domain). Here is a list of rerquirements:
Part 2 - Cross Domain Chat Protocol Design
Form a group of 4 and create a mechansim that allows 4 user portals to create a real time chat session among real web sites. In other words, USERS from a web sites can invite other USERS from the same web site or different web site to join a ROOM. You must define and implement your own communication protocol for this cross domain communication. Besides, as a group you must decide the following:
More info will be provided in the semester.
Project team has to decide on various issues such as:
As the whole class will be working on similar projects, relative grading will be used. In other words, all the projects will be ranked within the class and points will be assigned accordingly. There are two parts in the project:
Project Part I consists of a document includes the following:
Project Final Part will be covered later in class
Final Word of Warning
This is not an "easy" class and the project is an essential part of the overall grade. People who did not deliver the project well enough could really hurt their grade as the project contains more than 40% of the overall grade.
Each team will be given one topic to research and present during the semester. Mid-term and final will contain some questions related to the topics presented. The team needs to prepare the following:
The following are the possible topics:
Email to check your grade if necessary.
The university and departmental policies and deadlines for course drop will be applied. Makeup exams cannot be offered, except under exceptional conditions, such as documented serious illness/accident, etc., and only at the professor's discretion.
Each student is responsible for his/her individual assignment, and must not copy anyone else's work. Students who borrow solutions from others will find themselves unable to pass the course. The minimum penalty for every student involved in the duplication of individual assignments or exams will be receiving a zero score on the submitted work.
For group project, all the work has to be done by your OWN group. Do not try to download "free code" from the Internet and hand in as a project. WE WILL FIND OUT. Do not share your work with others. So DO YOUR OWN WORK and EARN your grade.
Instructor | Announcements | Course Info | Class Material | Schedule | Project | Grade | General Policy | Related Links