CMPE 203 - Software Engineering Management Class Project


The objective of the term project is to allow students to practice software engineering management principles learnt in class. Students will gain experience in real life software development and the issues associated with it.


E-Commerce Market Place


Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, refers to the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet. In this project, your team will develop a simple e-commerce market place where it enables buyers and sellers come together and perform online transactions.

The overall functions of the market place must contain:

Part 1 - Individual part

Each member of the team must develop a web application where a user can login to the application and purchase an item from a static selection.

The following are the minimum requirements:



Part 2 - Team Discussion

Form a group of 4 and create a document that will describe how your team could modify the market place where a member web application can cross list items to another member's web application. In other words, your team needs to design a mechanism where one web application can allow users to buy items from another web applications. In order to acheive cross listing and selling, your team needs to design the concept of multiple sellers that will work across web sites.

The document should include the following:

Your team must submit a hardcopy of the paper on the due date and submit the same paper to Here is the information:


Each student must submit his/her own Part 1 of the project in Only one submission is needed per group for part 2 in There is a testing assignment in that you can try out the system if it is the first time you guys



As the whole class will be working on similar projects, relative grading will be used. In other words, all the projects will be ranked within the class and points will be assigned accordingly. To rank better in the class, you can implement extra features in part 1 or 2.You must document the extra features you implemented in the design document of part 1. Extra features are just additional points you can get from the project.


Presentation and Demo

The following should be submitted:

All written materials must be submitted to

Each student must submit his/her own Part 1 of the project in Only one submission is needed per group for part 2 in There is a testing assignment in that you can try out the system if it is the first time you guys